Tuesday, October 8, 2013

[AffirmationstoDe-Stress] MORNING COFFEE

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"Your appointment is confirmed."
You set appointments all the time, with doctors, dentists, accountants, contractors and hair salons. More often than not the appointments you set actually take place. Once in a while you have to cancel an appointment, but that's okay, because you reschedule it and place the new date and time on your calendar.
There's one person, though, that you might never think to set an appointment with. That person is you!
Why not schedule an appointment with yourself and write it on your calendar? Schedule some time to do something fun with yourself. Make it a definite date.
When the time comes, keep the appointment, just as you would any other. After a few appointments with the all-important you, you'll wonder why you didn't do it sooner.
©Jane Powell
  Curb Your Worries & Anxieties
"There is nothing positive about being a worry wart."
Do you worry too much?
Some worrying is good. It warns us of error and helps with decision-making. But if you find yourself worrying all the time, you are robbing yourself of precious energy and happy hours.
When you worry, your body tenses, your mind races and your heart stresses. Focusing on negative future outcomes or past failures is an unhealthy way to spend your time.
Resolve to regain this lost energy. Focus on today and handle things as they occur. Know that what's happened in the past is water under the bridge. Remember that what may happen in the future is, for the most part, out of your control. Live, happily, in the "here and now." It's the only way to thrive!
You are successful
You are successful at being you. Even if no one else acknowledges that success, it is real and it is yours.
You can expand upon your success. You can improve upon that success.
You have endured every challenge that has come your way. Now you are in a position to move forward in whatever direction you choose.
You are a survivor, and yet life is about so much more than mere survival. You are a dreamer, and now is the time to live your dreams.
Give yourself credit for the success you've already created and for the value you continue to create. Then give yourself a meaningful goal that is worthy of the successful person you are.
See your success, feel your success, and make the commitment to build on it right now. You are successful, and this is the moment to live and enrich your success.
Ralph Marston

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