"Gratitude does wonders for your attitude."
Gratitude is one of those words that you don't hear very often, but it is one that can do magic when it comes to shifting your attitude. Make a list of the things that you are most thankful for and make it a comprehensive list. This list holds your most cherished times, possessions and people in your life.
When you're having one of those bad days and you need to feel better, more positive and more resourceful, refer back your Gratitude List.
After all, what you are most grateful for matters most.
©Jane Powell

The problems we have with others are typically more about us
Quite often, the problems we have with others – our spouse, parents, siblings, etc. – don't really have much to do with them at all. Because many of the problems we think we have with them we subconsciously created in our own mind. Maybe they did something in the past that touched on one of our fears or insecurities. Or maybe they didn't do something that we expected them to do. In either case, problems like these are not about the other person, they're about us.
And that's okay. It simply means these little predicaments will be easier to solve. We are, after all, in charge of our own decisions. We get to decide whether we want to keep our head cluttered with events from the past, or instead open our minds to the positive realities unfolding in front of us.
All we need is the willingness to look at things a little differently – letting go of 'what was' and 'what should have been,' and instead focusing our energy on 'what is' and 'what could be possible.'

Get good from it
Instead of worrying about how difficult it is, focus on how good it can be. Instead of being intimidated by the challenges, choose to be energized and inspired by them.
Whatever the situation may be, you can get good from it. Keep that potential goodness at the center of your awareness, and advance confidently in the direction of the best possibilities.
People will doubt you, laugh at you, complain and oppose you. Yet none of that really matters so much, because even when they do, you can get good from it.
There's no need to fret about what might or might not be. Simply make the commitment that whatever may come, you will do whatever is necessary to get good from it.
Always, there is much goodness in life. Better yet, there is the possibility for much, much more.
You are wonderfully able to bring that new goodness into being, no matter what. Take this day, this life, this moment, this situation, and get good from it.
Ralph Marston
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