Thursday, April 24, 2014

[AffirmationstoDe-Stress] MORNING COFFEE [4 Attachments]

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"Who's in control, you or your emotions?"
When you allow your emotions to enter into discussions over conflicting opinions or positions, you cloud the issues and detract from your argument.
Even if you have a valid point of view, it becomes cloaked in feelings, which reduce its connection to rational thought. You risk losing the other person's respect. When you're emotional you end up handing control to those who are in charge of their emotions.
Next time conflict arises, stay calm. Bite your tongue, silently count to ten, take a deep breath and state your position in an objective and unemotional manner.
Remember, there is a time and a place for showing your emotions. And, powerful people keep their feelings undercover until the time is right.
©Jane Powell
What Your
Doubts are Trying to Tell You

"Doubts a way to learn, not a way of life."
Millions of people have doubts every day. Nobody is immune. Instead of holding onto nagging doubts forever, use hesitations in a positive way. Employ doubts to propel you forward.
When faced with doubt, ask yourself, "Why do I have this feeling?" See it as a sign that something needs your attention. Take a moment for constructive thought.
As you look for the answer to what is causing your doubts, you may discover truths disguised by the hustle and bustle of life. Don't stop until the reason for your doubt is clear. After you discover it, you can take action. Only then can you can let go of doubt – and doubt can let go of you!
Worthy of the best
You are worthy of the best in life. So act like it.
You are worthy, but that doesn't mean you're entitled. It means you have the responsibility to live up to that worthiness, to live up to your full potential.
You are worthy of the best because you are capable of creating, experiencing and enjoying the best. You can reach inside yourself, feel your authentic desire, and bring that desire to life.
You are worthy, and yet that doesn't mean you can have what you want without effort. In fact, it is your worthiness that obligates you to make those efforts that will bring about the best you can imagine.
Remember always how truly worthy, beautiful and unique you are. Live each moment of your life as an expression of that worthiness.
Let your thoughts, priorities and actions reflect the worthiness that is you. You are worthy of the best, so be your best, now and always.
 Ralph Marston

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