Saturday, June 21, 2014

To America by James Weldon Johnson

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June 21, 2014

To America

James Weldon Johnson

About This Poem


“To America” by James Weldon Johnson was first published in the 1917 issue of The Crisis, a magazine founded by W. E. B. Du Bois to be the premier crusading voice for civil rights.


James Weldon Johnson was born in Jacksonville, Florida, on June 17, 1871. Johnson was not only a poet but also a major leader in the NAACP and the first African American professor to teach at New York University. He died in 1938.

Poetry by Johnson


James Weldon Johnson

(Library of America, 2004)

“I, Too, Sing America”
by Langston Hughes


“Harlem Shadows”
by Claude McKay


by Jean Toomer




Launched during National Poetry Month in 2006, Poem-a-Day features new and previously unpublished poems by contemporary poets on weekdays and classic poems on weekends.



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