Sunday, July 6, 2014

Quote Lady's Quote for July 6

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Quote Lady's Quote of the Day Volume 17, Number 187
ISSN 1534-3073

Quote for Sunday, July 6, 2014

The Christian life is not about
pleasing God the finger-shaker and judge.
It is not about believing now or being good now
for the sake of heaven later.
It is about entering a relationship in the present
that begins to change everything now.
Spirituality is about this process:
the opening of the heart to the God
who is already here.
~ Marcus J. Borg (The God We Never Knew<)


Note: National holidays are U.S. unless otherwise noted.

July is: National Grilling Month
Today, July 6 is: Take Your Webmaster to Lunch Day

Birthday of: John Paul Jones [naval hero] (b. 1747)
Janet Leigh [actor] (b. 1927)
Della Reese [singer/actor] (b. 1932)


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Copyright (c) 2014 Karen L. Oberst, Editor & Publisher
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Posted by: Karen Oberst <>



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