Sunday, August 24, 2014

Quote Lady's Quote for Aug. 24

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Quote for Sunday, August 24, 2014

When we find that God's ways
always coincide with our own ways,
it's time to question
who we're really worshipping,
God or ourselves.
~ Criss Jami


Note: National holidays are U.S. unless otherwise noted.

August is: National Hypnosis Awareness Month
Today, August 17 is: Sandcastle Day

August is: Romance Awareness Month
Today, August 24 is: Knife Day

Birthday of: Robert Herrick [poet] (b. 1591)
Wilbur Wilberforce [crusaded against slavery] (b. 1759)
Cal Ripken Jr. [all-star shortstop] (b. 1961)


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Posted by: Karen Oberst <>



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