Monday, August 25, 2014

Quote Lady's Quote for Aug. 25

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Quote Lady's Quote of the Day Volume 17, Number 237
ISSN 1534-3073

Quote for Monday, August 25, 2014

For my part, I travel not to go anywhere,
but to go. I travel for travel's sake.
The great affair is to move.
~ Robert Louis Stevenson (Travels with a Donkey)


Taking a trip this summer? Take along our Quotes
for Traveling for those days when it's too rainy
to go out. Or read them in the car to help those
miles zip by. They also make a great hostess gift!
Find these and all our other great portable quotes at:


Note: National holidays are U.S. unless otherwise noted.

August is: Rounds Resounding Month
This week is: National Chuck Wagon Races
Today, August 25 is: Kiss and Make up Day

Birthday of: Ivan IV (the Terrible) [1st tsar of Russia] (b. 1530)
Walt Kelly [cartoonist, creator of "Pogo"] (b. 1913)
Sean Connery [actor] (b. 1930)


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Copyright (c) 2014 Karen L. Oberst, Editor & Publisher
All rights reserved worldwide.

Permission is granted to freely copy or forward
the Quote of the Day to anyone that you wish, as
long as you include the entire message. In fact,
we'd love it if you did!


Posted by: Karen Oberst <>



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