Monday, August 25, 2014

Song by Dan Beachy-Quick

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August 25, 2014


Dan Beachy-Quick

About This Poem


“This ‘Song’ comes from a chapbook, to be published by Omnidawn next April, titled Shields & Shards & Stitches & Songs. It’s deeply concerned with the ways in which poetry, like a shield, often becomes a token of the violence it means most to avert. Seven ‘shield’ poems suffer a damage via erasure to become ‘shards,’ the shards are again acted against to leave the barest sense of ‘stitches’ in hope that the sutured wound could allow the healing that becomes ‘songs.’ This ‘Song’ is the final result of one shield altering through the entire process—a way, I hope, not to sing simply against the impossibly large human history of war, but to sing through it.”

–Dan Beachy-Quick


Dan Beachy-Quick is the author of Circle’s Apprentice (Tupelo Press, 2011). He is a Monfort Professor in Colorado State University’s MFA creative writing program and lives in Fort Collins, Colorado.

Most Recent Book by Beachy-Quick


Circles Apprentice

(Tupelo Press, 2011)

"Light (an Ars Poetica)" by Michael Cirelli


"Why Poetry Can Be Hard for Most People" by Dorothea Lasky


"Dawn" by James Laughlin




Launched during National Poetry Month in 2006, Poem-a-Day features new and previously unpublished poems by contemporary poets on weekdays and classic poems on weekends.



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