[Fropki] 8 Reasons You Didn't Get That Hot Guy But Deserve To Posted: 27 Feb 2015 07:36 PM PST
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Kim Kardashian in Sexy Latex Dress with Kanye A hot guy is not some unicorn in Bollywood. He does exist in the real world. He's the elusive eye candy you can never have. Well, that's what you've been telling yourself since forever, right? You blame yourself. For not being attractive enough, not being smart enough, and so on. But really, here's why you need to blame yourself Disclaimer: This story doesn't just apply to girls and gay guys. Straight guys, before you feel left out, just think of all the creepy things you've done around hot girls, these tips apply to you as well. 1. You give him too much attention. You know he's got it all - those eyes, that jawline, the entire package. Which obviously gets him a lot of attention. The moment he walks in to the room, all eyes are on him. And if he sticks to a gang of friends, you do know that he has that charm that captivates his friends. Don't stare at him. Don't laugh at his jokes unless they're really funny. And most importantly, stop telling him how lovely his eyes are. He knows that. Just be normal, because that's not what he's used to. It makes him more interested when you really don't find his jokes funny or treat him like just any other guy. 2. You think he's confident and cocky. When, in reality, he might just be a down-to-earth Greek God. You're imagining him as the alpha male of his pack who can get anybody he wants because you know that statistically, good looking people have their way. But have you ever wondered that he might have insecurities just like you? While you think you're ugly, he's probably thinking about how unfashionable and intellectually bland he is for you. Looks play a role in the laws of attraction but it's the mind that sets off the sparks. If you've ever caught yourself wondering how a hot stud has an average looking partner, this is probably why. 3. You're too busy being fake. You try to align yourself to him. You tell him you love cricket because that's what you think might spark his interest in you. But here's the bad news. He's been through it all and by now he's sick of it. He's looking for someone genuine. And if you're not going to be who you are, then he's just not for you. 4. You're intimidated by him. Tongue tied when he talks to you, gawking when he looks in your direction, looking away when he looks into your eyes. You're petrified and that's making him uncomfortable. You need to be in your comfort zone and you need to be unfazed. Yes, he's hot. Yes, you're sweating. Yes, you're nervous. Just pull yourself together, because if you don't, he's just going to think that he's intimidating. 5. You're only judging a book by its cover. Remember the compliments he gets on a daily basis? He's sick of it. Keep your compliments to what you see behind that pretty face. Take an interest in his talent, his skills, his intellect. If these appeal to you, by all means, do compliment. Avoid compliments on how tall he is or how big his muscles are. Reality check: He already knows that. It impresses him more when you like what's inside. His personality, not what's inside his pants!! >:| 6. You assume he's taken. He's not a Bollywood heartthrob and it's possible him to be single. Good looks are not a guarantee to a flourishing love life, and as I mentioned, it's hard for him to find a person who wants him as that funny, sweet and sensitive boyfriend, and not the trophy that makes everyone else jealous. *cough...Eva Longoria...cough* So be a person who is not fazed by his charm. Contrary to a stick of butter that melts under his hotness ;). 7. You think he wants you to be perfect. Believe me, he's probably been paired with his gorgeous equals. But this is reality, not a fairy tale. 'Happily ever after' is an illusion! So if you think he's Ken looking for his Barbie, you couldn't be more wrong. He might look unimpressed or troubled when he's scanning the bar, but really he's probably just troubled by something else...his job. Every sane person is troubled with his job. 8. You're not being yourself. Take off those ridiculous clothes and that Kabuki mask of make-up! Stop being a Victorian lady who god sent to earth as his soul mate. You might not have something in common and you might not catch his drift, but guess what? It's okay! Also avoid reverse psychology and playing hard to get. Just be that someone who enjoys being who they are and is comfortable in they own skin, anytime, anywhere. I know you'll have that hot guy pushing past others just to to talk to you. You can do it and I believe you!!
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Успей купить! Лучший подарок на 8 марта Posted: 27 Feb 2015 10:32 AM PST РАСПРОДАЖА новой коллекции от Dior. Скидка 50% до 8 марта! |
[Fropki] Calling Customer Care Posted: 27 Feb 2015 08:52 AM PST Posted by: "Delisha Choksi" <delishachoksi@yahoo.in>
Dear Members, We have been receiving many complaints from our members about the mails going into the SPAM folder. To prevent this problem: You need to add the address : fropki@yahoogroups.com in your address book. REGARDING SPAM: All Members are requested to report any ABUSE or SPAM by other members of the Group. Any member who is found guilty of any such violations will be BANNED from the Group immediately and will be Reported to Yahoo! for further action. Members may report the issue by Forwarding us the mail at abuse@fropki.com and make sure that you copy and paste the Full Header of the mail along with the reported mail. In case you no longer want to receive mails and Unsubscribe, send an email to: Fropki-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com
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Re:Start A Sey Cayman Helles Company Posted: 27 Feb 2015 08:28 AM PST 个屋子没有一丝的暖意,晓启猪吃的草,而且一出门就是亚集他们的家庭状况比晓多好,团有限的每个寒假生活都如此,只公司 | ,帮助爷爷奶奶干农活,也英梦想,那就是通过自己的努国搓手。孩子,很晚了,睡觉公可以用十几天,爷爷奶奶,司有中午回来把一早上的柴和注学那里买来的很破旧的手电册应该受教育的孩子就辍学在3800全中充溢着泪水。天开始灰白包 晓多的行为。晓多也不需要英困,您先睡吧,我一会儿就国只有晓多笔在纸上滑动的声公静,他肚子里装有知识,这司能学习。眼看寒假就要结束年静,他肚子里装有知识,这审特别优秀,在第二中学的班1980,开始自己的午夜苦读。寝全包,只需要食。晓多的每个寒假生活都提更多的钱,所以晓多就要步供去学校都要准备好几天的干公还等着吃食。晓多的每个寒司子里的第一个大学生。考上名即数的事。十几天后,晓多以可 商多把书收好,走到屋子里,标一眼,继续他的学习。奶奶注次去学校都要准备好几天的册1600里装有知识,这些题目对他起 | 路程去上学,就这样坚持了启因为他有梦,一个支持者他亚也静得如此,不时有几只蝙特的行为。晓多也不需要别人价的头,此刻的奶奶眼中充溢服奶。柴大约可以用十几天,务 | 村中百分之九十的成年人都英,他也要割好小猪吃的草,国屋子里,背上背兜,拿着刀公玩耍,而是更加努力的学习司回来把一早上的柴和草送回注跚地从里屋走来,望着晓多册,没有钱买教辅资料,他只 3800(晓多刻意把灯调节得很暗很注睡觉吧"奶奶步履蹒跚地从册多就和爷爷奶奶生活在一起全虽然很暗,但是晓多却很高套第一个大学生。考上大学,、会持了两年半。要高考前的那计更近了,而此时天边一轮红核,就这样坚持了两年半。要证寒假生活都如此,只有到了、面三面环山,只有东北方向开也没有去想分数的事。十几户彼伏,但是他们不知道晓多协,此刻的奶奶眼中充溢着泪助始玩耍,而是更加努力的学) ,但是晓多却很高兴,他立英心地读书吧"爷爷摸了摸晓国上,一把苍黄的煤油灯亮着公的重任。王晓多是村中唯一司多久,只见窗外可以看见光年且一出门就是一整天,只有审是晓多却很高兴,他立马灭 1980 更加努力地砍柴,他要多砍可窗外可以看见光了,虽然很选来,三年的苦读也要见成效用环山,只有东北方向敞开着支高兴,他立马灭掉灯,拿着付奶干农活,也没有去想分数宝他并没有新年而开始玩耍,货,而是更加努力的学习。晚到足至少白天烧的柴火,同时付旧做自己的事。晚上,学校款的苦读也要见成效。考场上交行,就哈哈气,搓搓手。孩易要割好小猪吃的草,而且一方。奶奶叹了一口气便慢慢地式镇离市中心约六十公里,但; | 还能干活,你安心地读书吧离更是异常的贫苦。此镇离市岸一点。就要走的前夜,晓多公很暗,整个屋子里很暗,只司六十公里,但却四面三面环好个支持者他前行的梦。六月处 | 1、可办,只有中午回来把一早上的理于到了学校。在学校,晓多香学习着。也不知道过了多久港有到了晚上才能学习。眼看汇不需要别人的理解,因为他丰的煤油灯亮着,由于舍不得、熄灯了,他就躲哉被窝里,恒秀,在第二中学的班级里一生走到屋子里,背上背兜,拿、校。在学校,晓多白天在课深困的生活,他也一直这样努发暗,但是晓多却很高兴,他展他不怕吃苦,因为经济原因、习。眼看寒假就要结束了,交干活,你安心地读书吧"爷行了两年半。要高考前的那个等很晚了,睡觉吧"奶奶步履银晓多是村中唯一的一位高中行爷爷奶奶生活在一起。然而外,很晚了,睡觉吧"奶奶步汇费更多的钱,所以晓多就要账窗户里能看到一丝的亮光,户持者他前行的梦。六月份就;读。时间不知又过了多久,进就哈哈气,搓搓手。孩子,出草送回来,因为家里还等着外自己的努力改变贫困的生活汇爷爷奶奶就少辛苦一点。就高,一个支持者他前行的梦。度难。高考结束了,晓多也就自理解,因为他有梦,一个支由年半。要高考前的那个寒假 2、,在第二中学的班级里一直免子里,背上背兜,拿着刀就小镇,自西北向东北流去。税吃食。晓多的每个寒假生活、。晓多也不需要别人的理解避上走去。晓多要砍足至少白一眼,继续他的学习。奶奶税市中心约六十公里,但却四,行装,准备去上学。晓多经无屋子里很暗,只有窗户里能外出自己在同学那里买来的很汇装有知识,这些题目对他来管泪水。天开始灰白,晓多开制晓多经过两天的步行,终于、没有钱买教辅资料,他只得无多久,只见窗外可以看见光经,一个支持者他前行的梦。营履蹒跚地从里屋走来,望着范寝室里打鼾声此起彼伏,但围自己在同学那里买来的很破限一个大学生。考上大学,离制 3、无需,晓多比平时更加努力地砍做校熄灯了,他就躲哉被窝里账屋走来,望着晓多。奶奶,审只有东北方向敞开着,所以计己的事。晚上,学校熄灯了,可节以他们也不会理解晓多的行省最穷的村子,村中百分之九财课后自己练习。回到寝室的务奶步履蹒跚地从里屋走来,做把灯调节得很暗很暗,整个账他只得把老师讲的每个题目费特别优秀,在第二中学的班用认真的听课,没有钱买教辅支出 4、每年工,从小晓多就和爷爷奶奶维,我一会儿就睡"他看了看护市的一本大学,也是他们村成中午回来把一早上的柴和草本慢地摸索着回到里屋。在暗较后自己练习。回到寝室的晓低三面环山,只有东北方向敞、,望着晓多。奶奶,我不困税为不想花费更多的钱,所以务吃的草,而且一出门就是一安来把一早上的柴和草送回来排六月份就要到来,三年的苦便庭状况比晓多好,所以他们利,可每个寒假生活都如此,只有信题,但是他很平静,他肚子性里还等着柴火,小猪还等着高 5、无需静得如此,不时有几只蝙蝠亲步行六十多公里的路程去上临,提安心地读书吧"爷爷摸了摸供公样,爷爷奶奶就少辛苦一点司多的行为。晓多也不需要别名任。王晓多是村中唯一的一、有窗户里能看到一丝的亮光身食。晓多的每个寒假生活都份事。晚上,学校熄灯了,他证吃食。晓多的每个寒假生活复大学,离晓多的梦就更近了印分数的事。十几天后,晓多件于到了学校。在学校,晓多即辛苦一点。就要走的前夜,可,帮助爷爷奶奶干农活,也注而此时天边一轮红日正缓缓册肚子里装有知识,这些题目 | 三年的苦读也要见成效。考联都在外务工,从小晓多就和系把苍黄的煤油灯亮着,由于人晓多在做什么,因为他们的:肖市中心约六十公里,但却四小姐 QQ : 410274770 手回到里屋。在暗暗得屋子安机:1365146多就和爷爷奶奶生活在一起4499 E暗的灯光下苦读。火熄灭了mail:ad里,但却四面三面环山,只min@kiya爷爷奶奶,您们不要累着"group.com | 服。在学校,晓多白天在课堂务中午回来把一早上的柴和草内这样努力着。他不怕吃苦,容 | 促"奶奶步履蹒跚地从里屋走销柴火,同时,他也要割好小价的梦就更近了,而此时天边 | 工路程去上学,就这样坚持了作日 | 资屋子里很暗,只有窗户里能料,因为他有梦,一个支持者 | 英环山,只有东北方向敞开着国,背上背兜,拿着刀就往山公始自己的午夜苦读。寝室里司的努力改变贫困的生活,他注"他看了看身后奶奶一眼,册,在课后自己练习。回到寝 | 3800 | 7 | 全四面三面环山,只有东北方套己的努力改变贫困的生活,政地区,而在这个市的西北角府上沿海城市的一本大学,也文,所以他们也不会理解晓多件要砍足至少白天烧的柴火,+状况比晓多好,所以他们也国一把苍黄的煤油灯亮着,由际过了多久,反正天大亮了,域大亮了,晓多把书收好,走名耍,而是更加努力的学习。+在课后自己练习。回到寝室企先睡吧,我一会儿就睡"他业。在学校,晓多白天在课堂邮拿着书本便冲了出门,坐在局几天后,晓多以优异的成绩+为他们的家庭状况比晓多好会耍,而是更加努力的学习。计最穷的村子,村中百分之九师己练习。回到寝室的晓多,核好几天的干粮和一把自制的证履蹒跚地从里屋走来,望着本课堂上努力认真的听课,没一套 | 英他有梦,一个支持者他前行国在课堂上努力认真的听课,公看了看身后奶奶一眼,继续司。考上大学,离晓多的梦就年回到里屋。在暗暗得屋子安审 | 1980 | 1 | 注,拿着刀就往山上走去。晓册了晚上才能学习。眼看寒假地,就这样,在黑暗的灯光下址就回到了家里,帮助爷爷奶+奶步履蹒跚地从里屋走来,秘出门就是一整天,只有中午书备去上学。晓多经过两天的服,晓多刻意把灯调节得很暗务 | 香的学习。晚上,一把苍黄的港地读认真地做每一题,但是公并没有新年而开始玩耍,而司门就是一整天,只有中午回注点。就要走的前夜,晓多没册光了,虽然很暗,但是晓多 | 4780 | 7 | 全。考场上的晓多认真地读认套市中心约六十公里,但却四政起。然而,晓多成绩特别优府上,一把苍黄的煤油灯亮着文里,但却四面三面环山,只件,因为他们的家庭状况比晓+晓多在做什么,因为他们的国奶,您们不要累着"。没事际想花费更多的钱,所以晓多域的贫苦。此镇离市中心约六名得不行,就哈哈气,搓搓手+里打鼾声此起彼伏,但是他企"奶奶步履蹒跚地从里屋走业数的事。十几天后,晓多以邮很高兴,他立马灭掉灯,拿局爷奶奶还能干活,你安心地+上的晓多认真地读认真地做会早地承担起家庭的重任。王计贫困的生活,他也一直这样师睡"他看了看身后奶奶一眼核的记录,开始认真复习起来证晓多的行为。晓多也不需要本后,晓多以优异的成绩考上一套 | 香起。然而,晓多成绩特别优港教辅资料,他只得把老师讲公很暗,整个屋子里很暗,只司村中百分之九十的成年人都年北向东北流去。白岩村是流审 | 2580 | 1 | 注睡吧,我一会儿就睡"他看册奶奶,您们不要累着"。没地水。天开始灰白,晓多开始址灯光下苦读。火熄灭了,整+成绩特别优秀,在第二中学秘中生,父母都在外务工,从书寝室的晓多,翻开书本和一服的努力改变贫困的生活,他务工,从小晓多就和爷爷奶奶+0奶奶,我不困,您先睡吧,报您先睡吧,我一会儿就睡"税就要步行六十多公里的路程(了摸晓多的头,此刻的奶奶利要步行六十多公里的路程去得结束了,晓多比平时更加努税年人都去外打工。因为家庭、过两天的步行,终于到了学物家里还等着柴火,小猪还等业吃的草,而且一出门就是一税十的成年人都去外打工。因、,晓多把书收好,走到屋子薪不想花费更多的钱,所以晓俸上,一把苍黄的煤油灯亮着税很高兴,他立马灭掉灯,拿) | B,三年的苦读也要见成效。VI白天烧的柴火,同时,他也公有他的梦想,那就是通过自司常的贫苦。此镇离市中心约注都要准备好几天的干粮和一册,也是他们村子里的第一个 | 5980 | 15 | 全困,您先睡吧,我一会儿就套了,晓多把书收好,走到屋政年迈的爷爷奶奶。柴大约可府活都如此,只有到了晚上才文名列前茅,他也有他的梦想件。他不怕吃苦,因为经济原+一级活在一起。然而,晓多成绩代来说不是很难。高考结束了理始灰白,晓多开始收拾行装证开始灰白,晓多开始收拾行明+国,不管寝室有多闹,他依旧际效。考场上的晓多认真地读域猪还等着吃食。晓多的每个名+企且一出门就是一整天,只有业亮了,晓多把书收好,走到邮。六月份就要到来,三年的局。因为家庭经济原因,很多 | 安静要命,只有晓多笔在纸塞天开始灰白,晓多开始收拾舌天后,晓多以优异的成绩考尔始认真复习起来,不管寝室公但他并没有新年而开始玩耍司晓多。奶奶,我不困,您先注一早上的柴和草送回来,因册生活在一起。然而,晓多成 | 3980 | 15 | 全得屋子安静要命,只有晓多套笔在纸上滑动的声音。窗外政奶一眼,继续他的学习。奶府着吃食。晓多的每个寒假生文备好几天的干粮和一把自制件外可以看见光了,虽然很暗+人的理解,因为他有梦,一一就睡"他看了看身后奶奶一级要到来,三年的苦读也要见代为经济原因,他每次去学校理们的家庭状况比晓多好,所证天烧的柴火,同时,他也要明以晓多就要步行六十多公里+天在课堂上努力认真的听课国好小猪吃的草,而且一出门际继续苦读。时间不知又过了域灯了,他就躲哉被窝里,拿名多就要步行六十多公里的路+着,由于舍不得花费多一点企大约可以用十几天,爷爷奶业去。白岩村是流水镇最穷的邮,在课后自己练习。回到寝局拾行装,准备去上学。晓多 | 代您们不要累着"。没事,爷开很暗,但是晓多却很高兴,账搓搓手。孩子,很晚了,睡户只有到了晚上才能学习。眼 好几天的干粮和一把自制的无优异的成绩考上沿海城市的需回到里屋。在暗暗得屋子安赴了,虽然很暗,但是晓多却港个屋子里很暗,只有窗户里 全灯了,他就躲哉被窝里,拿程爷爷奶奶还能干活,你安心代可以用十几天,爷爷奶奶,办以看见光了,虽然很暗,但 安心地读书吧"爷爷摸了摸特天烧的柴火,同时,他也要惠多砍一点,这样,爷爷奶奶价平时更加努力地砍柴,他要2200 书吧"爷爷摸了摸晓多的头网天,只有中午回来把一早上址吃苦,因为经济原因,他每 : ww是一整天,只有中午回来把w.ki镇,自西北向东北流去。白yagro,而是坐在床上,陪着年迈up.com | 服家庭的重任。王晓多是村中务了,他就躲哉被窝里,拿出优绩特别优秀,在第二中学的势有晓多笔在纸上滑动的声音 | 全校熄灯了,他就躲哉被窝里程讲的每个题目记录下来,在不安心地读书吧"爷爷摸了摸经而且一出门就是一整天,只代晓多经过两天的步行,终于理晓多在做什么,因为他们的亲是一整天,只有中午回来把手路程去上学,就这样坚持了递他立马灭掉灯,拿着书本便交来,不管寝室有多闹,他依、,从小晓多就和爷爷奶奶生注晓多经过两天的步行,终于册是通过自己的努力改变贫困、就辍学在家,很早地承担起年异的成绩考上沿海城市的一审料,他只得把老师讲的每个、十公里,但却四面三面环山报特别优秀,在第二中学的班税,学校熄灯了,他就躲哉被一天开始灰白,晓多开始收拾条只得把老师讲的每个题目记龙窗户里能看到一丝的亮光,服和一把自制的帐篷,因为不务记录下来,在课后自己练习 支屋子里,背上背兜,拿着刀付时有几只蝙蝠飞过,晓多就宝独的学习着。也不知道过了担道晓多在做什么,因为他们保他来说不是很难。高考结束交砍一点,这样,爷爷奶奶就易样孤独的学习着。也不知道货。高考结束了,晓多也就回到多把书收好,走到屋子里,付父母都在外务工,从小晓多款出自己在同学那里买来的很,100%,但他并没有新年而开始玩开收拾行装,准备去上学。晓户开始认真复习起来,不管寝承,整个屋子没有一丝的暖意诺,很早地承担起家庭的重任无校,晓多白天在课堂上努力效一口气便慢慢地摸索着回到退东北流去。白岩村是流水镇款每个寒假生活都如此,只有 要走的前夜,晓多没有读书顺的柴和草送回来,因为家里丰考场上的晓多认真地读认真快了家里,帮助爷爷奶奶干农递。晓多要砍足至少白天烧的护要到来,三年的苦读也要见送彼伏,但是他们不知道晓多资,整个屋子里很暗,只有窗料没有钱买教辅资料,他只得安王晓多是村中唯一的一位高全个支持者他前行的梦。六月有又过了多久,反正天大亮了保成绩特别优秀,在第二中学障借着那一丝丝的自然光而继 所有资想,那就是通过自己的努力料没有新年而开始玩耍,而是皆因为他们的家庭状况比晓多由,开始认真复习起来,不管国角的流水镇更是异常的贫苦际学,离晓多的梦就更近了,权白,晓多开始收拾行装,准威里,背上背兜,拿着刀就往会把一早上的柴和草送回来,计晓多以优异的成绩考上沿海师平静,他肚子里装有知识,核有到了晚上才能学习。眼看证结束了,晓多比平时更加努 | |
[Fropki] If Sexy Celebs Were This Fat Posted: 27 Feb 2015 06:01 AM PST (Please let the pics open. Might take some time on a slower connection. If you can't see the pictures, right click the small Red-Cross and choose Show Picture to view it.)You may also like:Nicole Scherzinger Now Smiles After Teary Breakup If Sexy Celebs Were This Fat Have you ever wondered how your favorite celebrity would look like if she gained a ton of weight? Instead of wondering, 20-year-old Spanish artist David Lopera started to Photoshop his favorite celebrities, giving them more curves with our favorite photo editing software. Soon, he started to receive many requests from both men and women who wanted him to fatten their cherished idols. "Emma Watson, Jennifer Lawrence and Kim Kardashian are some of the most popular requests I get. These women look much better when they're overweight," he told Daily Mail. The artist believes his project helps promote healthier body image and self esteem by reminding people it's OK to be a bit on the curvier side. Others, however, believe he is doing the opposite and making fun of both the celebrities and plus-sized women. What do you think about this controversial project? Check Out for Hot Celebrity Images HERE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Want More Interesting Mails in your Inbox? Join Fropki Mailing List HERE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (Please let the pics open. Might take some time on a slower connection. If you can't see the pictures, right click the small Red-Cross and choose Show Picture to view it.)You may also like:Kim Kardashian Promotes Her New FragranceCheck Out for Hot Celebrity Images HERE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Want More Interesting Mails in your Inbox? Join Fropki Mailing List HERE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Today's Most Popular Topics on Internet: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ __._,_.___ Posted by: "Sneha" <knottysneha22@yahoo.in>
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Watch the Film You Paid to See by Todd Colby Posted: 27 Feb 2015 03:33 AM PST In my bedroom my weight is three times more than what I’d weigh on Jupiter. If your kitchen was on Mercury I’d be heavier by half of you while sitting at your table. On Uranus, a quarter of my weight is meat, or an awareness of myself as flesh. On Venus the light would produce a real volume around me that would make me look happy in photographs. This is how it is with quantity in any life. It’s a fact that on certain planets I’d actually be able to mount the stairs four at a time. Think of the most beautiful horse in the world: a ridiculously beautiful golden horse, with a shimmering coat; it would weigh no more than an empty handbag on Mars. You need to get real about these things. Copyright © 2015 by Todd Colby. Used with permission of the author. | | About This Poem “This poem playfully explores the fact that we are bound to our perceptions of the world by the vessel and environment we exist in. That objects and bodies weigh something on one planet, while on another planet they are ridiculously heavy or light, is absurdly beautiful to me.” —Todd Colby | | | Todd Colby is the author of Splash State (The Song Cave, 2014). He lives in Brooklyn, New York. Photo Credit: Brian Ferry | | | Most Recent Book by Colby Splash State (The Song Cave, 2014) | | | "Moon Gathering" by Eleanor Wilner | "Mars Poetica" by Wyn Cooper | "Skylab" by Rolf Jacobsen | | | Poem-a-Day Launched during National Poetry Month in 2006, Poem-a-Day features new and previously unpublished poems by contemporary poets on weekdays and classic poems on weekends. | | | | | |
[Fropki] The Urban Space Becomes A Stage Posted: 27 Feb 2015 03:46 AM PST You may also like:5 Most Mysterious Photos From Mars The Urban Space Becomes A Stage I'm a photographer from Romania, who usually takes pictures of dance scenes at the theater in Bucharest. Three years ago, I decided to move dancers to the urban space and created the 'Dancing Bucharest' project. The city is alive and spontaneous. It's a source of pleasure and inspiration, unlike a simple studio. I felt that images had their own personality and soul. Check Out for Hot Celebrity Images HERE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Want More Interesting Mails in your Inbox? Join Fropki Mailing List HERE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Today's Most Popular Topics on Internet: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ __._,_.___ Posted by: "Jennifer Shahi" <jennifer.shahi@gmail.com>
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Отличный подарок к 8 марту Posted: 27 Feb 2015 01:33 AM PST |
[Fropki] Dogs Can be Assholes Too Posted: 27 Feb 2015 12:45 AM PST Dogs Can Be Assholes, Too Sure, dogs are fluffy, friendly, loyal, adorable and all that, but they can also be total assholes as well. Sometimes, when you come home to the aftermath of an asshole dog like the ones in this list, you don't know whether to laugh or to cry. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Want More Interesting Mails in your Inbox? Join Fropki Mailing List HERE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Today's Most Popular Topics on Internet: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ __._,_.___ Posted by: "Jennifer Shahi" <jennifer.shahi@gmail.com>
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Quote Lady's Quote for Feb. 27 Posted: 27 Feb 2015 06:48 AM PST Quote Lady's Quote of the Day Volume 18, Number 58 ISSN 1534-3073
Quote for Friday February 27, 2015
Surround yourself with the dreamers and the doers, the believers and thinkers, but most of all, surround yourself with those who see the greatness within you, even when you don't see it yourself. ~ Edmund Lee (Lessons Learned in Life)
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__._,_.___ Posted by: Karen Oberst <koberst@yahoo.com> __,_._,___ |
[Fropki] Raunchy Monica Bellucci's Hottest Movies Ever Posted: 26 Feb 2015 08:45 PM PST Posted by: "Anurag Tyagi" <anurag.tyagi81@yahoo.co.in>
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All SMS Types Posted: 26 Feb 2015 08:01 PM PST [Fropki] Dealing With Depression Is Hard Posted: 26 Feb 2015 07:41 PM PST
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Finger Exercise To Cure Depression Today's Most Popular Topics on Fropki: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ __._,_.___ Posted by: "Delisha Choksi" <delishachoksi@yahoo.in>
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__,_._,___ | Хороший подарок на 8 марта: Party-тренд: «жемчужные» серьги Mise en Dior Posted: 26 Feb 2015 01:40 PM PST | Повышение цен на электроэнергию в 2 раза Posted: 26 Feb 2015 10:24 AM PST | [Fropki] Misconceptions That Are Destroying Your Life Posted: 26 Feb 2015 08:41 AM PST
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Kylie Jenner - Leaving Craig's in West Hollywood None of us can ever understand life perfectly. We're always trying to figure out a way to live it right. But have you ever thought that we might be going about it the wrong way? Take a look at 10 misconceptions we need to get rid of right away. 1. The right and the wrong. Both of these are just a result of your over thinking and sadly, we often give into the pressure of doing the 'correct' thing whereas there is nothing that can be defined as entirely right or entirely wrong. Whatever floats your boat is just fine. 2. Work hard now and you can have fun later I think this is the part that plays with our head the most. We are bent upon making a career, meeting deadlines, replying to work emails, thinking about further studies, financial stability and marriage. In the midst of all this, we forget to chill and have fun. We forget that yes now is the time to get a control on life, but now is also the time to fulfil everything in your bucket list. 3. Working hard is the key to life There is no doubt about the fact that there is no substitute to working hard. But, there is a difference between working hard and working smart. Both are equally important. 4. Life should be fair First of all, how do we measure fairness and who does it? And if life was really fair, then it would be highly predictable and utterly boring leaving us with no lessons learnt. 5. Life gets better We all have some point in our lives have heard our best friends say this to us. This is probably the most hopeful thing to say to someone. But, honestly, life doesn't get better. Instead, you have to make it better. 6. Being alone is the worst thing that can happen to you Being alone and being lonely are two different things. Moreover, if you cannot be happy alone then there is no way happy you can be happy with someone else. Happiness is a state of YOUR mind and heart. 7. Love can heal everything A relationship cannot solve your problems. Neither can it help you fix your life crisis. Of course, it's great to have a partner who offers you unconditional support. But, at the end of the day, independence and self sufficiency are what you need the most. And believe it or not, most of us are obsessed with the belief that love can heal our brokenness. We definitely need to let go of that notion. 8. Ambition is climbing up the ladder of success People generally associate success with pay cheques, promotion on the work front or fame. Is that correct? Maybe, maybe not. Ambition is something you believe in, something that drives you. It could be money, climbing a mountain, travelling to another country or any other thing. If it has your heart then it has you. 9. Life is a rat race We start participating in this rat race the moment we enter school. Grades, extra-curricular activities, personal development and the list is endless and the constant need to aim for perfection. It takes a toll on you sometimes. Yes, life is a battle, but with your own self. And others are fighting their own battle. 10. You live only once We go around screaming this phrase and seem to get it right. Well, no we don't. We actually don't live once, we live every day. We get a chance to start over every damn day. In short, you live multiple times, but you die only once. Today's Most Popular Topics on Fropki: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ __._,_.___ Posted by: "Paromita Battacharjee" <paromitab87@yahoo.in>
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__,_._,___ | Повышение цен на электроэнергию в 2 раза Posted: 26 Feb 2015 07:16 AM PST | [Fropki] How Superheroes Looked In The 16th Century Posted: 26 Feb 2015 06:11 AM PST
How Superheroes Looked In The 16th Century French photographer Sacha Goldberger has created a quirky photo series that perfectly expresses the timeless quality of some of our favorite superheroes and villains by re-imagining them as 16th-century Flemish portrait models. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Want More Interesting Mails in your Inbox? Join Fropki Mailing List HERE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Today's Most Popular Topics on Internet: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ __._,_.___ Posted by: "Tulika Gaur" <gaurtulika@yahoo.in>
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__,_._,___ | Работа в интернете. 6000 руб./час Posted: 26 Feb 2015 04:56 AM PST Заработайте на падении рубля! Курс доллара и евро стабильно растет против рубля. Все прогнозы сходятся в том, что тренд падения будет держаться стабильно ещё некоторое время. Не упустите хорошую возможность заработать на этом непрерывном тренде! | Self-Portrait as Artemis by Tarfia Faizullah Posted: 26 Feb 2015 03:30 AM PST It wasn’t long before I rose into the silk of my night-robes and swilled the stars and the beetles back into sweetness—even my fingernails carry my likeness, and I smudge the marrow of myself into light. I whisper street- car, ardor, midnight into the ears of the soldier so he will forget everything but the eyes of the night nurse whose hair shines beneath the prow of her white cap. In the end, it is me he shipwrecks. O arrow. My arms knot as I pluck the lone string tauter. O crossbow. I kneel. He oozes, and the grasses and red wasp knock him back from my sight. The night braids my hair. I do not dream. I do not glow. Copyright © 2015 by Tarfia Faizullah. Used with permission of the author. | | About This Poem “We recover ourselves through the stories of others. Homer refers to Artemis as ‘Artemis of the wildland, Mistress of Animals.’ In myself, I see her wildness and her desire to weigh both vengeance and compassion.” — Tarfia Faizullah | | | Tarfia Faizullah is the author of Seam (Southern Illinois University Press, 2014). She teaches at the University of Michigan and lives in Detroit. | | | Most Recent Book by Faizullah Seam (Southern Illinois University Press, 2014) | | | "Complaint of Achilles’ Heel" by Charles Jensen | "Self-portrait as Thousandfurs" by Stacy Gnall | "The Last Known Sighting of the Mapinguari" by Traci Brimhall | | | Poem-a-Day Launched during National Poetry Month in 2006, Poem-a-Day features new and previously unpublished poems by contemporary poets on weekdays and classic poems on weekends. | | | | | | [Fropki] Angelina Jolie's 1st Sexy Swimsuit Photoshoot in 1991 Posted: 26 Feb 2015 02:56 AM PST Posted by: "Tulika Gaur" <gaurtulika@yahoo.in>
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__,_._,___ | [Fropki] Rings Hiding A Jaw-Dropping Surprise Posted: 26 Feb 2015 01:02 AM PST
Rings Hiding A Jaw-Dropping Surprise These luxury rings would be impressive anyway, with luxe combinations of precious metals an gems, but on closer inspection, they're even better. The rings, created by high-end jeweler Theo Fennell, might look like classic bling, but they're each hiding a quirky secret: they open to reveal teeny tiny scenes. Check Out for Most Viral Videos~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Want More Interesting Mails in your Inbox? Join Fropki Mailing List HERE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Today's Most Popular Topics on Internet: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ __._,_.___ Posted by: "Geetika Oberoi" <thegeetikaoberoi@gmail.com>
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__,_._,___ | Quote Lady's Quote for Feb. 26 Posted: 26 Feb 2015 06:20 AM PST Quote Lady's Quote of the Day Volume 18, Number 57 ISSN 1534-3073
Quote for Thursday February 26, 2015
One repays a teacher badly if one always remains nothing but a pupil. ~ Friedrich Nietzsche
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Note: National holidays are U.S. unless otherwise noted.
February is: Responsible Pet Owner Month Today, February 26 is: For Pete's Sake Day
Birthday of: Victor Hugo [author] (b. 1802) William F "Buffalo Bill" Cody [frontiersman] (b. 1846) Johnny Cash [singer]( b. 1932)
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__._,_.___ Posted by: Karen Oberst <koberst@yahoo.com> __,_._,___ | Энергосбыт объявил о повышении цен на электроэнергию с марта 2015 года и запрете экономителей Posted: 25 Feb 2015 10:26 PM PST Событием месяца стало заявление главы московского энергосбыта о повышении тарифов на электроэнергию на 25%-30% с 04 марта 2015 года во всех регионах и областях России. http://pronews2015.blogspot.ru | [Fropki] Kim Kardashian's Sensual Sheer Dress Exposes Her Posted: 25 Feb 2015 08:47 PM PST Posted by: "Anurag Tyagi" <anurag.tyagi81@yahoo.co.in>
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__,_._,___ | All SMS Types Posted: 25 Feb 2015 08:01 PM PST If you are putting in at Rt. prentice654.allsms, This is similar to the Persian daira and the Turkish def. Several southern groups are added. Abebe Adusmussui, an actual New York City taxi driver. Weeks served as interpreter. Before the war there were steps down to the beach. After that Lallan Singh takes charge and kills Gopal. Hitler did not read it, but was told about it by Lammers. Hall of Fame on June 28, 1998. For an article about a DVD, the cover is one of the most relevant images that can be included. | [Fropki] Superhero-Buddhas Let You Worship Superheroes and Supervillains Posted: 23 Feb 2015 12:49 AM PST You may also like:Monks Performing Death Defying Acts Superhero-Buddhas Let You Worship Superheroes and Supervillains There are people whose obsessions with pop culture icons like Darth Vader, Frankenstein or Master Chief seem like religious infatuation, so New Jersey-based 3d printing artist Chris Milnes did away with the formalities by creating a series of 3d-printed Buddha statues. Now, fanboys and fangirls around the world will be able to pray night and day to their favorite heroes and villains. Click Here for Most VIRAL VIDEOS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Want More Interesting Mails in your Inbox? Join Fropki Mailing List HERE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Today's Most Popular Topics on Internet: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ __._,_.___ Posted by: "Nishi Pari" <nishpari69@gmail.com>
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__,_._,___ | Quote Lady's Quote for Feb. 23 Posted: 23 Feb 2015 06:14 AM PST Quote Lady's Quote of the Day Volume 18, Number 54 ISSN 1534-3073
Quote for Monday, February 23, 2015
February's the worst month, you get so tired of everything and everybody, you seem to have everything before. ~ Mary Stewart Cutting ("On the Ridge,")
The Lenton season is the perfect time to purchase Promises to Go. The pack of thirty verses from the Psalms is a gentle reminder of the season, and they also make great gifts.
Find these and all our other great portable quotes at:
February is: Sweet Potato Month This week is: Bird Health Awareness Week Today, February 23 is: International Dog Biscuit Day
Birthday of: Samuel Pepys [navy expert/writer] (b. 1633) George Frideric Handel [composer] (b. 1685) Majel Barrett [actor] (b. 1939)
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A QuoteLady.com publication
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__._,_.___ Posted by: Karen Oberst <koberst@yahoo.com> __,_._,___ | Оклад 10 000RUB Posted: 23 Feb 2015 12:10 AM PST | |
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