Since she was 10, she has never smiled
She didn't even smile when her daughter was born
"After Stevie's birth I was overwhelmed with joy, but still didn't feel the need to smile"
She says that this has helped her maintain her youthful looks
"My strategy is more natural than Botox and more effective than any expensive beauty cream or facial"
"It's not as if I'm miserable. I love life. I just don't feel the need to show it by walking around with a rictus grin on my face"
"My friends have nicknamed me Mona Lisa, after the da Vinci painting. Mona Lisa was said to have been quietly amused, as am I. I just won't show it"
This is Vicky Kidd, aged 38
She decided to stop smiling 5 years ago, after splitting up with her partner
"The lines on my face were escalating and with advancing age I started worrying about being left on the shelf"
Christyne Remnant, 70, has a different strategy:
Since she was 8, she decided to never stop smiling

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