Our stories can only carry us so far. I know there are layers beneath the layers and you haven’t asked but I would describe a fresco not even finished in the workshop, discovered beneath damaged plaster here in the Scuola del Cuoio. A simple Madonna and child marked off with a draftsman’s patience, a sketch of faces each etched with a different kind of cross. Evidence of a man working out art’s proportions like a map in the sand: golden mean in the plaster and articulation balanced between the bridge in the distance for scale and the sketched-in step-child abandoned almost in the foreground, clutching at the mother’s skirts—all the necessary work that gets covered over in the finish, smoothed out and blessed with plaster and color, that blinding light cast by the angelic child, mother adoring. I would describe it all—but that’s easy and I am not so foolish anymore. I know you don’t need me to tell you this. You know the chittering of swallows as they fill the courtyard of the cloister and the weight of sunlight on cypress and stone. If meaning is made of anything you will have heard it in the sound of great space that flows down the stairs of the Pazzi chapel, in the rattle of the tourist dragging his bag on the pavers as he moves toward enormous doors flung open into the heat. Copyright © 2015 by Jeffrey Thomson. Used with permission of the author. |
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