Thursday, March 28, 2019

Our most popular Poem-a-Day and a special question

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Academy of American Poets
75 Maiden Lane, Suite 901
New York, NY 10038

Dear Reader—


Two weeks ago, we opened our Poem-a-Day and read the following lines by Carrie Fountain: "My children / are so young they cannot imagine a world / like the one they live in." Many thousands of us were so moved by the poem and its reminder of wonderment that we emailed it to friends and shared it on social media, reaching thousands more readers.


This is what Poem-a-Day can do—it can offer an opportunity to mindfully engage for a few minutes with artful language, and it can be a way in which we share in a cultural exchange.


Today, I'm asking you, a devoted Poem-a-Day reader, to donate to support this important series, which is the only publication of its kind sharing new work by more than 250 of today's talented poets and available for free.

It's only with contributions from readers like you that we are able to produce and deliver Poem-a-Day each morning, prompting reflection and conversation. This April, during National Poetry Month, we need to raise at least $50,000 to sustain and grow Poem-a-Day.


The title of Fountain's poem, which was the most-read poem published in Poem-a-Day so far this year, is "Will You?"—and it's what I'm asking today. Will you take a few moments to help make Poem-a-Day possible?


Thank you for reading and supporting Poem-a-Day.


With heartfelt gratitude,

Jennifer Benka

Jennifer Benka
Executive Director

Academy of American Poets




You can read "Will You" by Carrie Foundation and make a contribution to Poem-a-Day here. In appreciation of all gifts over $30, we'll send you our Walt Whitman set, made especially for the bicentennial this year.



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